Shame on me for not publishing a post for two weeks! I just have to write about last night's gig, though, at the Turning Stone Casino in Verona, NY. What a blast! I had the opportunity to perform for the New York State Association of Professional Land Surveyors' annual convention. I was the after-dinner entertainment for their main banquet. I kept hearing everyone talk about "nice apples," and I couldn't figure out why the topic of apples was so hot. This is wintertime, afterall. Finally it dawned on me: it's the acronym for the Association's name, NYSAPLS! : )

One of the guys I brought on stage was HUGE ... no, GARGANTUAN. I asked his name as he towered over me, and he said, "Big Mike."
"Gee," I said, "I don't know whether to feel threatened or protected!"
I needn't have worried, he was fun. They all were. Great crowd, and great audience, great food, great fun. I love this stuff.
"Gee," I said, "I don't know whether to feel threatened or protected!"
I needn't have worried, he was fun. They all were. Great crowd, and great audience, great food, great fun. I love this stuff.