Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Blog Begins!

To myself I seem “normal,” or at least familiar. The fact that I am a magician is fun and exciting to me. But I also know the mundane, trudging side of my life, not to mention its very unmagical, all-too-often downers. Being a magician is all pretend; living a life is all too real. Nevertheless, people are fascinated with magic, and I am told that the daily adventures and misadventures of a magician would be of interest to many people. Thus this blog.

If you have ever wondered what it’s like to be a magician . . . well, I cannot answer that question in the abstract; I can only share what it’s like to be this particular New York magician on this particular day. If that sounds interesting, hang on for a bit and see where the road takes you.

As for my magic business, check out As for my magic life, stay tuned to this New York magician’s blog.

For my first trick, ladies and gentlemen, I will attempt to publish a new post every day or every couple of days. Eventually I hope to settle into a rhythm and a schedule so that you, dear reader, might know when to expect new posts.

In case you're curious, today Magic Man spent a couple of hours practicing ripping apart playing cards and putting them back together -- not with tape or glue, but with magic of course. (Yeah, I wish! Actually, simulating the piece-by-piece restoration of a playing card is a knuckle-busting feat of macho sleight-of-hand, especially the Hollingworth version I've been working on. I learned it back in 1995, performed it for many years, but had to relearn it today because I stopped doing it several years ago. Yes, it's easier to relearn than to learn the first time, but it's still no picnic. Sleight-of-hand's a bitch; and then you do it again.)

During this practice session I spent some time worrying about getting older, sadly anticipating (and trying not to anticipate) arthritic, gnarled fingers that will no longer be able to flick a Bic much less a playing card. Not that my hands are tending toward that eventuality -- but my imagination sometimes goes to places like that, even in the midst of laughter and joy.

Today I also spent some time playing with Nate, my six-year-old son. Speaking of flicking, we played a game that involved flicking plastic monkeys into a plastic palm tree. If the monkey hangs on, you flick a second one. When all four of your team-monkeys are hanging on, you win a banana. Hang on, my friends: I promise you no bananas . . . only the thoughts of a New York magician. Ciao.

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